IELTS Listening Multiple Choice Question Tips ( Multiple Choice IELTS Listening Tips & Tricks)

IELTS Multiple Choice Question Tips & Tricks.


Peruse the guidelines cautiously and check the number of letters you
need to circle.

— Skim the options and the appropriate response decisions rapidly before the recording begins and during the 30 seconds given. As you do this.

1) underline the catchphrases – the words that give you the most data, for example, the ‘wh-‘ words and things.

2) attempt to work out what you will get with the jargon of the questions or potentially pictures.

3)  make an interpretation of any photos into words and search for subtleties that are distinctive in the choices.

4) choose what sort of data you have to tune in out for.

— Listen to the presentation given cautiously.

— Answer the question as you tune in. Circle the letters. The data will be provided in a similar request as the questions, despite the fact that it very well may be communicated in an unexpected way. Be readied not to hear the first or indeed, even second answer decisions referenced.

— Remember to make notes close to the inquiry in the event that you don’t know of the appropriate response, so you can return later.

— Don’t leave any questions unanswered.



1) Also listen for people correcting themselves when speaking. They may
discuss one of the answer choices and then reject it.

2) Also eliminate unlikely answers.

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