✓ Adverse or Averse
✓ Affect or Effect
✓ All Right or Alright
✓ Alternate or Alternative
✓ Among or Amongst
✓ Amoral or Immoral
✓ Appraise or Apprise
✓ Assume or Presume
✓ Bare or Bear
✓ Breech or Breach
✓ Bring or Take
✓ Cannot or Can not
✓ Can or May
✓ Censure or Censor
✓ Cereal or Serial
✓ Cite, Site or Sight
✓ Climactic or Climatic
✓ Coarse or Course
✓ Compare with or Compare to
✓ Compliment or Complement
✓ Continual or Continuous
✓ Could of or Could have
✓ Denote or Connote
✓ Diffuse or Defuse
✓ Discreet or Discrete
✓ Disinterested or Uninterested
✓ Elicit or Illicit
✓ Enquire or Inquire
✓ Ensure or Insure
✓ Especially or Specially
✓ Farther or Further
✓ Flair or Flare
✓ Flaunt or Flout
✓ Grizzly or Grisly
✓ He, She or They
✓ Historic or Historical
✓ Hoard or Horde
✓ i.e or eg.
✓ Imply or infer
✓ I or Me
✓ It’s or Its
✓ Laid or Lain
✓ Learnt or Learned
✓ Less or Fewer
✓ Loose or Lose
✓ May or Might
✓ Neither or Nor
✓ Onto or On To
✓ Phenomenon or Phenomena
✓ Pour or Pore
✓ Principle or Principal
✓ Shall or Will
✓ Someday or Some day
✓ That or Which
✓ Themselves or Themself
✓ These or Those
✓ Too or To
✓ Tortuous or Torturous
✓ Who or Whom