Most importantly, consider it for 3 minutes. You have one moment to think of certain notes. Furthermore, as long as 2 minutes to talk. Continuously mean to represent 2 minutes. A ton of IELTS competitors thinks they just need to represent 1 moment. While this is valid, you are probably not going to get the higher band scores in the event that you just talk for 1 moment. On the off chance that you talk for 2 minutes, you have greater occasion to utilize a scope of good language.
My fundamental tips:
1) Make notes before you talk – on the off chance that you have noted, you don’t have to consider what to say, so you can ponder how to state it (for example jargon and punctuation). Keep in touch with certain thoughts. Keep in touch with some helpful words and expressions.
2) Memorize a decent opener: start your discussion with an expression like “Indeed, there is numerous [topic, for example, teacher] who/which I could discuss, however, I guess my top pick/most paramount one was… “. Retaining an opener implies you can begin without deduction, and you can utilize some great language toward the beginning.
3) If you don’t comprehend the inquiry, request an explanation. This by itself can get you additional imprints.
4) Keep talking