IELTS Speaking test starts with Greeting. Just Imagine Situation where you are waiting outside of examination hall and your examiner calls you to come in for the test ( Yes Examiner will come to pick you from outside and tell you to sit properly inside examination hall) & now it is your turn and you need to greet your examiner but before I move on let me tell you it is no where written that you need to greet your examiner but I would highly recommend you to do for your own good and that you will understand later in this article.
Why Greeting is Important?
As I have already mentioned there is no such rule and even this won’t be considered in evaluation but still, it is advisable to do so.
- Just Imagine this is an international level examination and it is good to be kind.
- After your greeting, your examiner will greet you too and that will make you a little bit comfortable in the exam hall ( Trust me I have experienced this).
- You will gain some more confidence.
How to Greet?
Well, this is the easiest part of the entire test.
- Good Morning Sir/Mam
- Good Afternoon Sir/ mam
- Good Evening Sir / Mam
that’s all your job is done here but there are few things to avoid so for that keep reading.
- Butter polish ( Like you are looking nice)
- No other question ( Like How are you or How was your day?)
- No gifts for an examiner
- Avoid Informal language ( Like just Morning, Afternoon)